My dissertation consists of the following parts:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Acknowledgements
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Solar Oscillations
- 3 The Analysis of the Fourier Tachometer Data.
- 4 Helioseismic Inverse Problems
- 5 Conclusion
- References
- Appendices:
- Overview
- Cover Pages
- 1 "A Comparison of Methods for Inverting Helioseismic Data", MNRAS, 1990, 242, 353.
- 2 "The resolving power of current helioseismic inversions for the Sun's internal rotation", ApJ, 1992, 385, L59.
- 3 "On comparing helioseismic two-dimensional inversion methods", ApJ, 1994, 433, 389.
- 4 "Generation of artificial helioseismic time-series", 1994, A& A Suppl. 107, 541, not available to download yet.
- 5 "On the Estimation of Mode Parameters form Helioseismic Time-Series", currently lacks figures. Scanned version with figures.
- 6 "Observations of intermediate degree solar oscillations - 1989 April-June", Apj, 1993, 412, 870.
- 7 Danish Resume. In Danish, of course!
The main parts of the dissertation found here (except section 3) are the
actual postscript
files use for the version of the dissertation printed by Aarhus University.
Section 3 had to be regenerated from the original .tex files, but should
be identical in appearance and content to the originals.
The version initially submitted and formally evaluated was slightly different.
Most changes were for typos etc.
Appendix 1-6 are published/submitted/to be published/never published papers.
The versions included here are the most recent versions of those papers
not the ones actually included in the printed version.
Last modified by Jesper Schou
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