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The current plan approved at the SOI Team Meeting, Fallen Leaf Lake (10/10/94)
The Medium-l Program
The plan is to:
- develop and implement into the IP software the uniform binning scheme
with square bins of 5x5 CCD pixels each covering a central circular area
of diameter about 90
Gaussian smoothing as an option; this `GONG-like' scheme will be used
during the first 4-6 months of continuous observation; Sylvain
Korzennik and Kosovichev will test the scheme using continuous
South-Pole data of several-days duration to be provided by Tom Duvall;
- develop techniques and software for analysing binned data using a
`stacking' method for the decomposition of the spatial eigenfunctions
(possibly with `antialiassing' features), which will be used in parallel
with the `Fourier-tachometer'-type analysis being developed by Jesper
Schou for the High-l Program; time-series analysis will be performed
using the High-l pipeline, and also, at the recommendation of several
participants of the meeting, a 'ridge-fitting' technique which provides
`peak-bagging' for modes of higher degree will be developed;
- investigate nonuniform binning schemes and test them using the South
Pole data;
- investigate procedures for frequently (e.g. once a day) changing binning
schemes as a possible replacement for on-board remapping;
The development of the Structure Inversions Pipeline
It has been decided to:
develop pipeline software for simultaneous `primary' inversions of the
mean frequencies of the multiplets and of the coefficients of expansion
of the symmetrical part of multiplet splitting into a set of orthogonal
- develop the pipeline resources for `secondary' inversions, in particular,
consistent sets of tables, on fine grids, of the equation of state and
opacity coefficient in collaboration with Werner Däppen and Forrest
- develop an IDL graphical user interface to the inversions programs as
part of the inversions workbench, in collaboration with Peter Giles;
investigate possibilities of using IBM Visualization Data Explorer and
IRIS Visualization Explorer as platforms for the inversions pipeline;
develop a `1x1' inversion technique for axisymmetrical structure
inversions in collaboration with Takashi Sekii; the 2D part of the
pipeline will also include 2D Abel inversions by the fractional
differentiation technique; develop principles of 3D structure inversions
in collaboration with Jean Perdang;
- investigate possibilities of including the solar modelling package by
Richard Sienkiewich, Bogdan Paczinski and John Bahcall into the
inversions pipeline.
It has been stressed that contributions to the development of the Medium-l
Program and to the Structure Inversions Pipeline by both the members of the
SOI Team and by others interested in the project would be very useful.
Interested parties are urged to contact the Local Coordinator.
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Alexander Kosovichev
Sun Aug 6 19:04:23 BST 1995