Quakes on the Sun

A draft of the press-release by David Salisbury: press_rel2.txt . The final NASA press-release by Bill Stiegerwald: final_press.txt .

The original manuscript (long) submitted to Nature in the postscript format: flare_orig.ps .
text file: flare_orig.tex
Figures in postscript format: Fig.1 , Fig.2 , Fig.3a , Fig.3b , Fig.4 , Fig.5
Figures in the GIF format: Fig.1 , Fig.2 , Fig.3a , Fig.3b , Fig.4 , Fig.5

The short version accepted as Scientific Correspondence: flare_accept.ps .
Figures: Fig.1 , Fig.2 , Fig.3 ,

From left to right: X-ray image of the 9-July 1996 flare (in GIF and TIFF formats); LASCO C3 image of the flare CME; and a seismic wave movie (mpeg format).

Quicktime versions of the movie: flare.mov (large), and flare_sm.mov (small).

Images from the movie in GIF format.

All movie frames (in TIFF format), mov_0.tif, ..., mov_70.tif, are available in single tar file mov1_tif.tar (56 Mb). These frames are enhanced images of the line-of-sight velocity on the solar surface. The first frame starts at 9:00 UT, July 9, 1996, and the subsequent images are obtained with 1-min cadence (a couple of frame were missing due to telemetry problems). The total length of the movie is 70 min of the real time.
The flare starts around 9:12 (mov_12.tif) at the frame center (as a small bubble), the seismic wave is first seeing in mov_27.tif. The seismic wave is enhanced: filtered out, multiplied by a factor 4, and projected back.

Energy-magnitude relation for earth- and sunquakes in GIF format.